31 October, 2016

2nd Post Today: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

Guys, this isn't just about oil
It's about water
It's about Human Rights

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a huge controversy right now, with fierce proponent and fierce opponents.

And each side has valid points.

The proponents say that it will create tons of jobs and bring revenue to the nation.

But opponents have cited both environmental problems and human rights violations that the pipeline would bring about.
The pipeline is slated to run through sacred indigenous lands and burial grounds, as well as under the Missouri River, which is a major river in the United States and provides drinking water to a large portion of individuals in the surrounding areas. The implications of this include that if there is any sort of problem with the pipeline somewhere down the road, it could contaminate the Missouri River (which is a tributary of the Mississippi River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico which connects to the Atlantic Ocean). And I know that that might sound like a big "if," but there have been so many oil spills and leaks and things in the past couple of decades that even the possibility of this should be a major turn-off for those in support of the pipeline. Not to mention that our dependence on fossil fuels is already causing awful harm to the environment and this will only allow that to get worse.

There's also the matter that the pipeline didn't undergo all of the reviews that are supposed to happen before something like this is allowed to be constructed.

So, in a nutshell, the arguments are "more jobs and revenue" vs. "more harm to the environment and indigenous rights violations, which are also human rights violations"

So why is this a controversial topic?

Like, why do people think that it's more important to increase our dependence on fossil fuels and get some extra revenue than to respect the rights and culture of actual human beings?

More information on the DAPL and Protests against it:

UPDATE: A Handy website with 10 ways you can stand in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux to fight the DAPL: click here
Fight on,
The Fierce Feminist

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